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Frimley Curriculum


At Frimley we deliver a curriculum in order to develop all children into life-long learners giving them the skills and tools to equip them for the real world. Children understand what it is to be an artist, a geographer, a mathematician etc and through memorable experiences and excellent quality delivery, children are encouraged to develop inquisitive minds and a love of learning. By considering each subject separately and the skills within it which need developing, we are able to ensure we have a broad and balanced curriculum.

We liaise closely with both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 3, and within Key Stage 2, to develop a flexible curriculum which both meets the needs of the community and reduces ‘cliff-edges’ making children ready for their next stage of learning and more confident to approach learning challenges ahead.

Our intent is to give children life skills, learning skills and knowledge so that they are able to resiliently express themselves and approach life as all-rounded citizens.  At Frimley we believe in promoting a growth mindset in all learners.  If you have a growth mindset you become more resilient and are more able to have a positive attitude to challenges.  We teach children strategies and ideas to become more resilient and to see the benefit in finding learning challenging.



Teachers plan the learning journey in small, engaging steps through a range of memorable experiences and lessons.  Children are taught the learning journey so that all learning has purpose and children can make links in their learning.  This supports the development of a love of learning and engagement in the learning process. Children are also encouraged to reflect on their learning and to consider what more they know now.

Small steps in learning, questioning and retrieval enable children to really understand what they are doing and to deepen their understanding. Teachers do not move children on in their learning until they are ready to do so. Retrieval opportunities are used regularly as part of learning in order for children to revisit learning and to apply it in other contexts. All statutory elements of the curriculum are planned for and monitoring is in place to ensure coverage takes place.

Learning is taught through stand-alone subject areas in order for the progressive skills and knowledge development to take place. Learning experiences are carefully sequenced and planned in order for skills and knowledge to be developed.  Within each subject Crucial Learning has been mapped out and is taught.  Crucial Learning statements are the vital pieces of information or skills which need to be known or mastered in order for children to be secure in an area of learning and ready to progress to the next stage.  Crucial Learning is rehearsed, retrieved, applied and recorded in books so that children can reflect back on it as part of the learning journey.  The journey of Crucial Learning can be seen on the learning maps for each subject.

Through the school values and a Frimley Passport, where children focus on their identity and achievements (through the areas of respect, self, belonging, mindset and progression), children learn the life skills to be respectful and responsible citizens. These values and attributes underpin our curriculum and all of school life. All children have a Frimley Passport and work to learn about and demonstrate the attributes necessary to develop in order to be a successful learner.

The curriculum is monitored by the curriculum leader, subject leaders and children, through the learning team. Books and planning documents are monitored and pupils are spoken to so that the curriculum can be shaped to meet needs.


In classrooms you will see and hear:

  • Children discussing and rehearsing Crucial Learning
  • A buzz of learning
  • Awe and wonder as children discover
  • Fluid groups, children collaborating in different groups
  • Children retrieving and recalling previous learning
  • Memorable experiences and learning
  • The needs of all children being met

Because of the delivery of our curriculum, children will leave Frimley:

  • With knowledge of Crucial Learning statements and skills
  • As engaged and intrinsically motivated learners
  • Having developed their knowledge and skills across all subject areas
  • With deep learning embedded
  • Being able to recall learning from their time at Frimley
  • Ready for their next stage in learning
  • Resilient and ready for life’s challenges


Use the following link to find the National Curriculum for England on the DfE website: National Curriculum 

If you would like any more information about the curriculum at Frimley please look at the year group pages or contact Mrs Farage (Teaching and Learning Deputy Head & Curriculum Leader) via [email protected]

Behaviour and Safeguarding

Our school vision and values permeate through everything we do here at Frimley. This drives how we teach and model good behaviour and how to stay safe. Please see below how behaviour and safeguarding  is taught and fed through the curriculum at Frimley.