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Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Luke 10:27


At Frimley Church of England School, it is our goal to foster in our students a love of learning, strong morals and character and a genuine respect for others, prepared in every way – intellectually, morally and socially – for the world that awaits them.

To this end, our school is a large family where children are happy, confident and caring. Our highly dedicated team works hard to ensure that everyone is valued… and enjoys learning!

Latest Updates

11:10 AM - 24 Jul 2024


Congratulations to the winners of our year 6 awards, which were announced and celebrated in our final leavers assembly this morning: Gracie, Mieya, Zak, Murray and George. Well done to all of them.

2024 SATs results

We are delighted to share our record breaking 2024 SATs results with you. We are so proud of all of our amazing Year 6 children and staff who have achieved these remarkable results which are well above both the Surrey and National averages! Please visit the Learning, Outcomes page for full details.