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Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.

Leader: Suzanne Mustill 


At Frimley, we aim to inspire a sense of curiosity and fascination about Britain, the world around them and its people. Geography provides children with the opportunity to learn about the world that we live in and develops contextual knowledge of physical and human features/ characteristics of the world and how these can change over time. By looking at and comparing the physical, human, economic and environmental issues and features affecting each area of the world, children can begin to understand how the choices they make have an impact on others around them. Children will also observe and collect data about people, cultures and natural environments through fieldwork, to deepen their understanding of the world we live in. Our Geography curriculum will also enable children to develop knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas.


  • We will aim to ensure that learning is not just limited to inside the classroom and utilise opportunities for outdoor learning, where children learn from first hand experiences (including through trips, visits and ICT experiences). Also, through the integration and planning of more fieldwork-based lessons to develop subject knowledge and contextualise learning.
  • Give opportunities for children to have local visits in and around the community they live in.
  • Ensure that there are enough resources needed to support and develop key geographical skills (maps, atlases, ariel photographs, compasses).
  • Communicate with and develop links between the Prospect Trust (KS3 & KS4) to explore and make use of their expertise/ resources.


  • Children will extend their personal horizons through a greater appreciation and understanding of the world and the people around them.
  • Children will understand the need for sustainable relationships between people and their environment, developing a deeper connection with and love of our world.
  • Children will enhance practical problem solving and teamwork skills.
  • Through more engaging, memorable and practical lessons, children will develop their subject knowledge through contextualised learning.