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Science is a subject where we learn about the natural world around us through observation and experimentation.

Biology is the study of living things.

Chemistry is the study of what materials are made of, the properties they have and how they can be changed.

Physics is the study of the world and universe around us, how matter behaves and the energy that is used.


Leader: Ben Callow


At Frimley, we aim to provide a high-quality and engaging Science curriculum which enables children to recognise and understand the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life.  We want to provide inspiring opportunities to extend children’s learning further, giving them the confidence to carry out their own scientific enquiries. Our Science curriculum fosters children’s natural curiosity about the world around them, deepens their understanding and inspires their future scientific aspirations. Through practical, hands-on experiences, our children build on their understanding of substantive knowledge (knowledge of scientific concepts and theories) and disciplinary knowledge (types of scientific enquiry). We aim to ensure that all children have full access to the curriculum through careful scaffolding and can apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science by collecting, analysing and presenting data. We encourage children to become enquiry-based learners, enabling them to develop their own questioning and expose them to a wide range of scientific vocabulary. This allows them to become more confident when communicating their knowledge and explaining their findings. We want our children to become confident and inquisitive Scientists, working collaboratively with their peers and setting high aspirations for themselves. We intend to build a Science curriculum which nurtures a love for science, exposes children to a range of STEM ambitions and prepares them for life beyond primary school.


At Frimley, our Science lessons are taught in accordance with the National Curriculum.

  • Lessons are taught through a range of different learning experiences, including engaging practical and investigative enquiry linked to a ‘Big Idea’ (key concept).
  • Science lessons are taught weekly.
  • In each year group, lessons are appropriately adapted to ensure all children are able to access the curriculum and make expected and beyond expected progress in Science.
  • In every Science lesson, the Working Scientifically Toolkit and Types of Enquiry are referred to alongside investigations.
  • Teachers refer to the Science overview, so they are revisiting previous learning, thus ensuring retrieval opportunities to secure prior knowledge, make links with new concepts and ensure progression of skills.
  • Teachers explicitly explain the area of Science being explored – biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Teachers promote and foster a love of Science through opportunities for children to determine the direction their learning takes through developing their own questioning and having opportunities to carry out their own enquiries.
  • Cross curricular links are planned for with other subjects like maths and computing. 
  • When appropriate, opportunities to use the latest technological applications and key equipment in our Science lessons enhance children’s learning experiences.
  • Through purposeful marking, children have the opportunity to consolidate and extend their learning in order to promote a deeper understanding. 
  • Children are given clear success criteria in order to achieve the learning intention with differing elements of independence.
  • Clear links to a variety of careers in STEM professions are made in lessons to expose children to future ambitious. 
  • Teachers effectively use assessment for learning in Science lessons to ensure misconceptions are addressed.
  • Teachers use our assessment tool and knowledge organisers to ensure they are confident in assessing children’s learning.
  • Science is monitored across the school by the Science leader. 


  • Children will enjoy Science, approaching the subject with a positive and enquiring attitude.
  • All children will be able to access the learning in lessons and opportunities for children to deepen their understand will be provided.
  • Children will be confident in questioning and discussing ‘big scientific ideas’ using scientific vocabulary.
  • Children will develop the skills needed to follow their own enquiry and explore their ideas.
  • Children will be able to have opportunities to apply their mathematical knowledge in Science lessons and link their knowledge to other areas of the curriculum and wider life.
  • Children will leave Frimley with strong substantive knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics and be confident using working scientific skills and in their ability to use the appropriate resources.
  • All children will be aware of a range of STEM careers.

Staff will gain in confidence in providing engaging, inspiring and informative lessons alongside assessing their pupils’ progress.