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Writing is the use of language and devices to engage an audience in order to discuss, entertain, inform or persuade.

Leader: Chloe Howard 


By the end of Key Stage 2, the aim is for all children to write effectively for a range of different purposes and audiences. At Frimley C of E, we use high quality texts, short videos and engaging hooks to develop a love of writing across all genres. We believe that the skills encompassed in English are vital for underpinning every area of the school curriculum. Children will be equipped with the knowledge to understand the importance of their voice within writing and how this can impact the reader. All children will have the opportunity to take risks with their writing, using models and scaffolds to support their creativity.


Children have frequent opportunities to write for a variety of purposes and audiences, not just in English but across the curriculum. At Frimley C of E, we use elements of The Write Stuff by Jane Considine as well as other approaches such as Talk for Writing.  Each year group plan a sequence of lessons using carefully selected stories, animations, plays, film clips and poems.  

During a sequence of lessons, pupils have opportunities to write individually and in groups, as the teacher models writing skills and gives direct feedback. Each unit will consist of a variety of grammatical techniques which will be taught within the context of the lesson. This will allow the children to experience purposeful grammar from which they can apply within their independent writing.

Children will be taught how to effectively edit and improve their own writing through a range of techniques including the use of targeted editing stations and teacher led marking and feedback.  We encourage the children to self and peer assess writing which allows them to reflect on their own progress within a writing lesson and feel proud of their achievements.  As part of the writing process, we encourage children to consider their presentation and handwriting allowing them to take pride within their work. Spelling is taught three times a week throughout the school as pupils are immersed in an investigative and vocabulary rich environment.


Throughout the year writing will – inform, entertain and persuade.  Here are some examples of the types of writing we will learn about:






Non-chronological report


Balanced report







Battle Cry



  • Pupils will enjoy writing across a range of genres
  • Pupils of all abilities will be able to succeed in writing lessons
  • Pupils will have a good knowledge of writing techniques
  • Pupils will be able to articulate their thoughts, ideas and imagination orally and through the written word
  • Pupils will become creative writers. They will be able to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.

In writing lessons, you will see and hear:

  • Talk for writing
  • A buzz of learning and sharing ideas and vocabulary
  • Pupils working collaboratively
  • Pupils using the teacher model to support their own writing
  • Pupils independently applying skills to the writing task, using retrieval of previously learnt skills
  • Pupils re-reading their own work and independently editing and self-reflecting